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Core Strength
Check out the video for demonstrations of movements and scaling options. Follow along for 3 rounds, or do on your own (more or less) depending on how you feel.
45s of work, 15s of rest
1) Bird dogs (side #1)
2) Bird dogs (side #2)
3) Dead-bugs
Up Next in Core Strength
Walk The Plank
Complete unbroken as long as quality can be maintained:
- 45s Forearm plank (with reaches if advanced)
- 45s Side plank, right
- 45s Rear support hold
- 45s Side plank, leftComplete for 2-3 more rounds, trying to move from the second side plank right back to the forearm plank.
Adjust time up ...
Neat Obliques
- 10 Side plank raises, per side
- 20 Hollow heel taps (10 per side, alternating)
- 30 Russian twists (15 per side, alternating)Go through 3-5 rounds, depending on your needs and what best fits your schedule!
Climbing Mountains
- 60s Weighted plank, right into
- 30s Controlled mountain climbers
- 60s Rest
Repeat 2-3 more times.Remove weight from the plank hold if needed to maintain form. Adjust time and rounds to best suit your abilities.