Walk The Plank
Core Strength
Complete unbroken as long as quality can be maintained:
- 45s Forearm plank (with reaches if advanced)
- 45s Side plank, right
- 45s Rear support hold
- 45s Side plank, left
Complete for 2-3 more rounds, trying to move from the second side plank right back to the forearm plank.
Adjust time up or down as needed to suit your strength level. For example, if these movements aren't yet do-able for 45s each, either adapt the movement by dropping knees when possible, OR start with 30s of each and build up to 45s over time. If you're more advanced, you can build in time or try more advanced movement variations.
Up Next in Core Strength
Neat Obliques
- 10 Side plank raises, per side
- 20 Hollow heel taps (10 per side, alternating)
- 30 Russian twists (15 per side, alternating)Go through 3-5 rounds, depending on your needs and what best fits your schedule!
Climbing Mountains
- 60s Weighted plank, right into
- 30s Controlled mountain climbers
- 60s Rest
Repeat 2-3 more times.Remove weight from the plank hold if needed to maintain form. Adjust time and rounds to best suit your abilities.
Just Hangin' Out
- 60s Hanging knee raises / leg raises
- 60s Rest
- 60s Hanging oblique crunches
- 60s Rest
- Repeat 2-3 more timesThis session is spicy! Feel free to explore this sequence with 30-45s holds to start and build up to 60s if forearm strength is a limiting factor.
As always, focus on quality fir...