The Locomotion Collection

The Locomotion Collection

Gain access to over 40 locomotion video tutorials, plus ideas for warm ups and workouts using the movements learned. If you typically avoid stretching or doing the accessory work you know you SHOULD be doing, you're going to have some fun with this. Locomotion can become the best accessory program you didn't know you needed!

You are encouraged to stretch out your wrists prior to doing locomotion work.

Play with these movements in whatever capacity makes sense for you. For example:

Option #1 - Practice: Pick 1-2 movements, put on a clock for 5-10 minutes, and just explore those two movements working on refining them as you go.

Option #2 - Push: In you're looking for a full training session, you may consider doing an "EMOM" where you do 60s of work, switching movements each minute. In this case, you may consider choosing 3-4 locomotion variations and completing a full 60s before switching to the next. Consider 3-5 rounds.

Additional examples are provided within the video content.

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The Locomotion Collection