The Locomotion Collection

The Locomotion Collection

Gain access to over 40 locomotion video tutorials, plus ideas for warm ups and workouts using the movements learned. If you typically avoid stretching or doing the accessory work you know you SHOULD be doing, you're going to have some fun with this. Locomotion can become the best accessory program you didn't know you needed!

You are encouraged to stretch out your wrists prior to doing locomotion work.

Play with these movements in whatever capacity makes sense for you. For example:

Option #1 - Practice: Pick 1-2 movements, put on a clock for 5-10 minutes, and just explore those two movements working on refining them as you go.

Option #2 - Push: In you're looking for a full training session, you may consider doing an "EMOM" where you do 60s of work, switching movements each minute. In this case, you may consider choosing 3-4 locomotion variations and completing a full 60s before switching to the next. Consider 3-5 rounds.

Additional examples are provided within the video content.

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The Locomotion Collection
  • Introduction & Getting Started

    In this introduction, I talk about what to expect from the Locomotion Collection, including suggestions and tips on how to approach this type of training.

    Plus, review some sample assessment items, although don't hesitate to come up with some of your own based on your own personal needs and goal...

  • Bear (Foundational)

    Set up:
    - Start on all fours with hands stacked under shoulders and knees under hips
    - Rotate elbow pits forward to help set shoulders
    - Spread fingers wide
    - Tuck toes under
    - Actively press into the floor and lift hips to the ceiling (achieving an “A” position)
    - If mobility allows, drop heels ...

  • Frogger (Foundational)

    Set Up:
    - Start by getting into a low “bottom of” squat position.
    - Shift weight forward and place hands on the ground in front of you.
    - Actively push through the floor, protracting shoulders.
    - Knees drop towards the ground, putting you into a “floating table top” position
    - This position wil...

  • Crab (Foundational)

    Set Up:

    Start sitting on the ground with legs bent and feet planted in front of you.
    Feet should be about hip width apart.

    Place hands just outside of shoulder width either facing outward or behind you.

    For starting out, you may feel more comfortable with hands facing outward as it may put ...

  • Monkey (Foundational)

    Set Up:
    - Start by getting into a low “bottom of” squat position.
    - Reaching your hands in front and to one side (the direction in which you want to travel), shift weight forward and place hands on the ground.
    - With heels now lifted, shift weight into the bent leg of the direction you’re moving...

  • Bear - Backward

    Set Up:

    Start on all fours with hands stacked under shoulders and knees under hips
    Rotate elbow pits forward to help set shoulders

    Tuck toes under

    Spread fingers wide

    Actively press into the floor and lift hips to the ceiling (achieving an “A” position)

    If mobility allows, drop heels towards...

  • Bear - Sexy (Cross-Step)

    Set Up:

    Start on all fours with hands stacked under shoulders and knees under hips

    Rotate elbow pits forward to help set shoulders

    Tuck toes under

    Actively press into the floor and lift hips to the ceiling (achieving an “A” position)

    If mobility allows, drop heels towards the floor

    Think ab...

  • Bear - Twisting

    Start on all fours with hands stacked under shoulders and knees under hips

    Rotate elbow pits forward to help set shoulders

    Tuck toes under

    Actively press into the floor and lift hips to the ceiling (achieving an “A” position)

    If mobility allows, drop heels towards the floor

    Think about exten...

  • Bear - Twisting with Tap

    Start on all fours with hands stacked under shoulders and knees under hips

    Rotate elbow pits forward to help set shoulders

    Tuck toes under

    Actively press into the floor and lift hips to the ceiling (achieving an “A” position)

    If mobility allows, drop heels towards the floor
    Think about extend...

  • Bear - Twisting with Extension

  • Bear - Bent Arm Prep

  • Bear - Bent Arms, Bent Legs

    Set Up:

    Start on all fours with hands stacked under shoulders and knees under hips

    Rotate elbow pits forward to help set shoulders

    Tuck toes under

    Actively press into the floor and lift hips to the ceiling (achieving an “A” position)

    Keep knees bent and heels off the floor

    Think about exten...

  • Bear - Bent Arm, Straight Legs

    Set Up:

    Start on all fours with hands stacked under shoulders and knees under hips

    Rotate elbow pits forward to help set shoulders

    Tuck toes under

    Actively press into the floor and lift hips to the ceiling (achieving an “A” position)

    If mobility allows, drop heels towards the floor and keep ...

  • Bear - Fast

    Set Up:

    Start on all fours with hands stacked under shoulders and knees under hips

    Rotate elbow pits forward to help set shoulders

    Tuck toes under

    Actively press into the floor and lift hips to the ceiling (achieving an “A” position)

    Option to do this with legs bent for a lower bear run or k...

  • Frogger - High Hips

  • Frogger - Straddle

  • Frogger - Bent Arm

  • Frogger - Single Leg